Shabbat Shalom from Israel!! Thanks for tuning in today!
So far this trip has been a great one! Full of great spiritual experiences, laughs, and delusional-ness! But, nevertheless, we have had a Wonderful time!
The first day was most definitely an adventure! Yoshi (YoSi is his real name) was our guide from H-E-double toothpicks! But luckily, we had another Christian guide yesterday so we wouldn't have to put up with Yoshi all day long!
It's very unfortunate that the attitude and vibe of our guide, Yoshi, was there or else this could've been a very spiritual and maybe moving entry for all of you readers following this journey of ours!
We went to the Mount of Olives and had a pleasant turn of schedule! We were going to attend sacrament meeting at the BYU Jerusalem Center, however, they were watching conference so we wouldn't. Which I am actually sad about because from the small glance I saw, the chapel is BEAUTIFUL! But instead we were able to walk around on the grass and soak up the warm sun while we caught up in our journals! We weren't even around Yoshi! Soon, we did get picked up by him and Nater, our Christian guide for the day.
We made our way to Pastor Noster, where many religions believe that Christ assended into heaven. We walked around the small church and around it. On all the walls, inside and out, was the Lord's Prayer in all different languages! It was really neat! Nater took us by the English plaque and left us alone so that we could have a spiritual moment. How thoughtful! I wish I could say the same about Yoshi. Surpirse, surprise; guess who lurked out of the shadows to tower 2 inches behind me while we tried to enjoy this time alone (or so we thought). Mom went up to Yosi and told him, "Just so you know, we are fine with just being by ourselves! You don't really need to follow us around," she said pleasantly and laughed, hoping he would understand.
"Vell, eef eet doesn't bother you, I vill just stay veet you."
"Well, it does!" she said! No more messin' around! Good job, Mom!
"Eet does?"
"Yes, it sort of does!"
"Vell then, I'll just be een the car."
Hallelujiah! He was gone! Thank you, Mom!
We then drove to Caiaphas's house. This is where Jesus was held underneath his house in a dark pit! It was very interresting to be able to be where Christ was all alone. While we were down there, we read a Psalm that they had down there. It helped me to visualize the lonely feeling that Jesus must have felt. There was a spirit down there that just felt right and peaceful. Because the whole part of the Atonement is that it is a part of Heavenly Father's Plan of Happiness. And it all just felt right!
Unfortunately, the spiritual feeling was again ruined by another crazy guide! He got right up in Nater's grill and was threatening him and asking him if there was a problem! The peaceful feeling I had was quickly replaced with fear of a fight awkwardness! haha
This is all that I can write tonight, but throughout the day today and I'm sure for the rest of the trip, there are going to be many more spiritual, or very hilarious, experiences! Looking forward to sharing them with you!
--Kendall Blake (4/12/09; Easter Sunday; but written about the 11th)
Congratulations on posting about your trip. I feel vicarious pride about your blogging, as you're a good writer and this is a great way for you to communicate. Way to go, and thanks for being such a good friend to David, too!